Check "Use compression" to save space on the destination drive. GrandBackup has a built-in ZIP-compression module, but you can use any external data-compression utility, like RAR or CAB. GrandBackup will launch such external utilities by appropriately configured commands.
Archiver - select the compressor to be used in the Task. Press Settings... to configure an external compressor.
Tip: |
Compress each file in a separate archive - Make as many archives in the backup as there are files in Source
Compress all files into a single archive - Put all the files in Source into one large archive in Destination
Archive name ________ - Specify the name of the Destination archive
Archive password - Enter a password to protect the compressed archive. You will need this password to extract the files.
Caution: |
Compression level - Select the degree of compression, on a scale of 0 to 9, where 0 to 1 corresponds to minimum, 2 to 7 to medium, 8 to 9 to maximum compression (see Preferences: External Compressors).
See also:
Preferences: External Compressors
Task Properties
GrandBackup is a product of Regall LLC dba
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